


Harbour bed investigation drilling, sampling and probing to prove/sample silt and underlying mudstone levels. Drilling and sampling of the harbour silts and rock head interface were carried out using 98/89 mm steel casing and a Rambo 85 recovery tool. Silts were recovered in 1m plastic liners complete with "tulip" catcher for the retention of soft silts. Drilling Techniques: Diamond drilling & rotary coring in soft & hard ground.
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Ground exploratory drilling, sampling & laboratory testing. Undisturbed rock cores of 71.5mm diameter were recovered in 1m plastic liners to a depth of -20 m below ground level and labelled in wooden core boxes. Cores were logged, photographed and samples sent to laboratories for selected geotechnical and chemical testing. A factual report containing details of the exploratory ground investigation was prepared.
# Investigation drilling to prove rock head and or obstructions in advance of a new roll-on, roll-off link span facility. Drilling was carried out using rotary percussion hammer 65mm diameter, with records of hammer frequency, soft and hard formations & strata recorded.

Plant Hire –Choose

The Beretta T21 tracked, diesel/hydraulic rotary drilling machine shown here is available for hire.

Site Investigation – Cable Percussion Rig at work drilling with shell and auger. The drilling process is able to recover bulk disturbed samples, U100s (undisturbed samples 100mm diameter) and  carry out insitu ground testing such as Standard Penetration Tests.